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The name "BATS" is inspired by an idea of Professor Antonino Fiorillo. The acronym stands for "Biomedical Applications, Technologies & Sensors" and was conceived as a pun that evokes the image of the well-known flying mammal. The origin of this name reflects the innovation and creativity that characterize the field of biomedical applications and sensor technologies.

The first sensors developed within the Q-BATS project were ultrasonic sensors, which, for their characteristics and potential, emulated the exceptional echolocation capabilities of bats. This analogy not only underlines the technological advancement of sensors but also highlights the ability to draw inspiration from nature for the development of innovative technologies.

Over the editions, the BATS congress has gradually expanded its scientific horizons, incorporated increasingly broad fields of study, and welcomed a multidisciplinary scientific community. This approach reflects the growing need for broad interdisciplinary collaboration to address the most complex challenges in the field of biomedical applications.

In the latest edition, the diversity of the topics covered was further enriched with the introduction of a section dedicated to quantum sciences and technologies, marking the participation of a group of scientists who are experts in this cutting-edge sector.

  • Promote Technological Innovation: Encourage the development of new sensor technologies and biomedical applications through inspiration from nature and scientific advancement.

  • Interdisciplinarity: Bring together experts from different scientific fields to foster an exchange of knowledge and skills that can contribute to progress in the biomedical sector.

  • Scientific-Academic Collaboration: Create a platform for collaboration between researchers, academics, and industry professionals, to explore new frontiers of science and technology.

  • Exploration of New Fields: Expand the horizons of the congress by including emerging research areas, such as quantum sciences, to stay at the forefront of technological innovation.

  • Scientific Dissemination: Spread the results of research and technological innovations to a wider scientific community and the public, highlighting the importance of science and technology in improving the quality of life.

Q-BATS Congress goal

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+41 76 490 64 70
Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës, Albania